Maswali Yaulizwayo Mara kwa Mara
Mr. Jumanne S. Mpemba – Basin Director
Postal Address
The United Republic of Tanzania
Ministry of Water
Ruvuma Basin Water Board
Maji yard, Industrial Area
P.O. Box 141
Email Address
In progress….
+255 784345356
Board of Directors
Mr. Msaru L. Msengi - Board Chairman
…………………………. – Vice Chairaman
Mr. Jumanne S. Mpemba – Secretary
Ms. Domina Msonge – Member
Eng. Nuntufye D. Mwamsojo - Memb...
RSCBWB - Functions
There are three Main Functions/Objectives
Water Resources Assessment and Monitoring
Water Resources Allocation
Water sources protection and pollution control.
A Water Use Permit is a permit legally granted to a person/institution for the use of water such as Water Domestic Use (Water Supply Scheme, Individual Use, etc.), Irrigation, Industrial, Mining, Livestock, Power Production (H.E.P), Construction Works...
Ruvuma River and Southern Coast Basin Water Board (RSCBWB) was established in 2004 in accordance with the Water and Utilization Act No. 42 of 1974, and its subsequent amendments to the Act Na. 10 of 1981. The former Act was repealed by the Water Resources Management Act No. 11 of 2009....
Location of the Basin
Ruvuma River and Southern Coast Basin occupies southeastern part of Tanzania
of Ruvuma, Mtwara and Lindi Regions, whereby it lies between 34E and 41E Longitude and 8S and 12S Latitude. The mean annual runoff (MAR) of the Ruvuma river to the sea is about 26,000 million c...
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